Friday, April 22, 2011

Following the typical bulking and cutting approach we diet down losing excess bulk only to realise that all the weight we gained was fat in the first place! Even the pro bodybuilders who may be injecting all manner of hormones are pleased to gain 2lbs of actual muscle in a year. A year is a long time!

It can be pretty depressing to see all your gains go down the drain, so if you want to know how to lose fat and not muscle mass for the ideal male body, here are some tips.

1) Don't bulk in the first place!
This tip may be too late but the best way to avoid the challenge is to avoid the idea of getting "big" in the first place, since it usually just means becoming a chubbier version of yourself. However if like many of us, its too late to apply this, don't worry, you can turn it around. Just obey number 2......

2) Create an energy deficit
There are a million diet rules, but the only one you need follow is that of energy balance. Use more energy than you burn and the deficit has to come from somewhere. It does, from the fat stored all over your body, and you are on your way to fat loss. Simple, and it really can be, so long as you choose and use a nutrition plan that fits you.

3) Use it or lose it
You know how it works, so keep working out. What got you your muscle will keep your muscle.

4) Eat a nutrient dense diet
When you are eating below maintenance its more important than ever to make sure your diet still contains all the nutrients you need for optimum performance. You will actually find you are less hungry than you thought you would be when you eat less, so long as those foods are nutrient dense.

Use supplements such as cod liver oil and sea kelp for a boost to keep you in top form.

5) Stay hydrated
Drinking your liquids will not only help you feel full, it also helps your body flush out fat. In fact evidence suggests that drinking ice cold water can also be beneficial for burning fat, as there is an energy cost to your body of heating up the water to body temperature before it can be absorbed.

6) Fast
Intermittent fasting is an extremely powerful tool for melting body fat while maintaining muscle. Not only does it help you easily create the energy deficit needed for fat burning, but it also creates the optimal hormonal state in your body for melting fat while building lean muscle at the same time, for a better version of yourself.

7) Avoid overtraining
Cutting calories can be a drain on your body's resources. Don't add to it by training too much. Get out of the gym, recover, and live your life.

8) Take advantage of the benefits of low impact cardio such as walking
Low impact cardio is great because its not stressful on body or mind. You are pretty much always going to have the energy to walk. Plus walking has benefits such as aiding recovery, improving circulation and getting you out of the gym. That's a win, win, win.

Follow these tips and you'll be on track to lose fat and gain muscle, and heading towards the ideal male body. Enjoy the journey.

To learn more about how to workout for the ideal male body visit

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Three Ways To Burn Fat Easy

In technical terms, fat is fat but the way in which fat is measured differs from male to female.

Due to the fact that women need more body fat to cope with having babies and other issues of a hormonal nature, the female body fat index tends to be higher than that of the male. Females require between 10% and 13% of essential body fat whereas males only need anywhere within the 2% to 5% range.

So, if you are a guy and your body fat index is higher than it should be you need to know how to get it back down to a healthy level. Male and female body fat is burned off in the same way and here are some tips to help you on your way.

1. Change your diet to a fat burning diet. It's so much better for you all round to follow a healthy and well balanced diet and it's a great way to get rid of excess fat and lose weight. Cut down on fatty foods and replace canned, dried and pre-packaged items (which are usually loaded with fat) with natural foods such as fruit and vegetables. You will soon notice the difference. Make an effort to prepare your meals at home and lower the amount of saturated fats you eat when you would normally pop out for a fast food meal or takeaway.

2. Reduce your overall calorie intake. The best plan of action is to have a word with your doctor and find out how many calories you should be taking in each day to reach and maintain the ideal weight for your height. It's pretty straightforward really - if you use up more calories the weight will come off. When the amount of calories you burn off is more than you take in, in no time at all your body will begin to work at keeping up your energy level by burning off your body fat.

3. Take up exercising. Thorough workouts on a regular basis are important when trying to get rid of fat. The best kind of workouts are aerobic and strength training regimes. They burn up calories and improve your muscle tone - both of these are great for keeping your body fat level where it should be. Avoid working on one area of the body only as all this does is move the fat from one place to another.

Of course, these are just three pointers to help start male body fat burning. Get it out of your mind that a fat burning diet is simply doing a few sits ups and give the above mentioned tips a go - you will be so pleased that you did.

Tired of wasting your money in diets that doesn't work? Here you will find articles and reviews of the best weight loss diet to lose weight permanently. You can also read here more body fat burning articles.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Ideal Body Posture

The Ultimate Alpha Male In Modern Time Has Got To Be James Bond

Have you ever watched a James Bond movie?

Chances are you have seen double digit 007 films during your lifetime. Bond is such an iconic figure that even if you haven't actually seen any of the movies, you have seen pictures of the character and have heard about some of his idiosyncrasies.

The reason James Bond is such an iconic figure is his archetypal nature. An archetype is an enduring, recurrent symbol that acts as the ideal template for some concept. For example, Gandalf from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is an archetypal wizard: he's a wise old man with white hair and long beard who carries a staff and walks around in flowing robes. Just about every wizard we see in literature and movies has some of these characteristics. Well, James Bond is the archetypal alpha male, and by watching how he moves in his movies, you can learn all you need to know about alpha male body language.

The first thing to note about his body language is his posture. A former military man, Bond retains the classic characteristics of a soldier's posture: head up, shoulder blades pulled together, back ramrod straight, legs slightly less than shoulder width apart, stomach in, chest out. This is a universal signal of confidence. Every culture on the planet can see this stance and immediately know what it means-that man is an alpha male.

Although James Bond is typically a somewhat tall man (he's always roughly six feet tall) you do not need to be tall to replicate his posture. Simply practice by doing it. Whether you are sitting down at your computer or walking to the kitchen, keep the image of Agent 007 in your mind and conform your body to the image. This will take some time at first, as your body has probably been spending years with poor positioning. Be vigilant, after all, did Bond ever give up on a mission?

Bond always got help from Q, his sergeant-at-arms and an all-around mad scientist. You, too, can benefit from your expanded network of experts. Most martial arts, such as MMA or boxing, will make you more aware of your body, and thus help you develop good posture. These types of sports will also help build you confidence, no matter what your body shape. There are classes in almost every major and mid-sized city-even backwater towns are likely to have some martial arts classes available. Enroll in one of these classes and build your self-assurance, something that will be clearly detectable in your movements and stance.

There is more to Alpha Male body language than just posture, but without good, proper posture, anything else you do will be for naught. Posture is the foundation of the vibe of confidence and dominance that all Alpha Males project. If you want to embody these qualities, watch some old James Bond movies and start practicing.

Get the woman of your dreams by becoming the man that all women want, become an Alpha Male. As you go thru this information you will discover how to develop the powerful traits of a Dominant Alpha Male, you will learn that no woman is beyond your scope of influence, and that you can have any women you want anytime you want.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weight Lifting For Perfect Body

Who can benefit from weight training? Absolutely everyone! That is no exaggeration. More and more people, including males and females, are realizing that in order to permanently reshape your body you need to train with weights.

Basically, weight lifting is all about staying fit and healthy, albeit with those six-pack abs.

Lifting weights can boost your body system and can be used as an alternative therapy. The human body is flexible, muscle size tends to increase when in use or the body may lose the muscle mass, when they are rarely used. The immediate effect on the body is that it gains weight by an increase in fat accumulation over lean muscle mass. This muscular mass can be easily gained by proper exercise regime. If you need to lose fat, resistance training is the key ingredient to losing the fat and keeping it off.

For athletic activities and physical well-being, a toned body with lean muscle power is essential. It also slows your aging to a considerable limit. You look good with a good posture and muscular look. These weights get rid of undue body fat, leaving you cholesterol free and relatively healthy. Weight training will help improve your athletic performance, no matter what your sport, from tennis, to basketball, to soccer, track, football and everything in between.

Weight lifting straps can be obtained in any fitness center or store to make it easier for starters. It is much safer and comfortable while doing weights. It helps you in lifting weights without injuring yourself accidentally. Weight lifting is important form of exercise just like other aerobic exercises. Even women have been using weights to develop a muscular and toned look.

Vitamin tablets and healthy diets are recommended for a fit body. These nutrients are vital for an all-round perfect and toned body structure. There are numerous multi-vitamin products available in the market, which are certified for general use. Many of these products are ideal supplements for weight lifting.

Medical reports suggest the use of some of these vitamins for a fit body. Foods that are high on proteins and low on fat and cholesterol are ideal for health conscious individuals. Therefore, proper balanced dietary habits, natural herbal supplements and daily dose of physical activity is all that it requires staying in shape.

Not only will training with weights add muscle to your body but it will help you burn fat too. First, you will burn calories during your actual workout, much like you would while doing aerobics. But secondly, weight training revs up your metabolism so that you are burning more calories hours after your workout! You burn calories even at rest! You will reap great health benefits, increase your life span and increase the quality of your life.

Toni Grundstrom is a Freelance Writer who writes about many interests and hobbies. When you decide to lose weight and get lean muscles visit my website. It contains a 5 part series including how to develop a well built body. Here is where you go for that information.
This article may be distributed freely on your website as long as this entire article, links, and this resource box are unchanged.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Classical Look For The Male Abs

The desire for perfectly sculpted male abs is not new. They say that if you hang onto something long enough, it will come back in style, and that includes bodies.

Along with the female form, what is attractive in male appearance has also undergone numerous influences, some bizarre, some extreme in nature. Fads and fashions have come and gone. It has taken a long while for the classic male form to resurface in popular culture, but it finally has.

Clothing habits and religious traditions have kept the male body under wraps for most of the past 2,000 years. In early Christian times, Rome ruled most of the known world, and everyone wore togas. The wealthy over-ate; the poor were undernourished.

Only attractive servants and gladiators ran around half naked. While most depictions of gladiators show them semi-armored, the male abs are almost always exposed. Servants wore knee length tunics that covered the chest. Nothing to see there.

During the formative years of Christianity, only religious images were commissioned or preserved. Seeking to avoid lustful thoughts and deeds, men and women hid their attractiveness under long garments and head scarves. Self denial was the rule and images of emaciated saints, long suffering, or innocent and chaste women were created.

With the advent of Islam, Muslims embraced the established values of Christianity and Judaism, and they, too, covered the body. Women added the face to the list of things you shouldn't expose in public.

During the Italian Renaissance, great thinkers and artists abounded. Looking for the ideal, or the divine, in the human form, artists and sculptors resurrected the classical themes. Hundreds of pieces of art survive - presenting poses in every degree of nakedness, and attesting to the beauty of the human form. Great statues, such as Michaelangelo's David, were created.

The Renaissance did not last long, and Western Civilization quickly covered itself, again. European tradition was carried to the New World by way religious escapees, and continued in that state until this very century.

Not since the times of Greek heroes and Roman gladiators have so many men bared there bodies, especially those male abs, in public.

The Greeks revered the human form in its full development. They copied it and emulated it, carving their Gods as images of the human ideal. The Classical Greeks, who were notoriously self-righteous, even admired the body outside of their people. Nowhere could they find it more developed than in the warriors who fought as mercenaries for them, or sometimes against them, called the Gauls. Today, we often call them Celts.

Modern weight lifting competitions base their standards of development on the Greek forms of perfection. If you think otherwise, just examine a copy of the statue of the Dying Gaul. It was not only one of the most expressive pieces of sculpture ever made, it is a tribute to every man who aspires to develop his body to its fullest potential - with strong sinuous legs, a full set of pectorals, and glorious male abs.

Although the ancient Greeks may have been the first civilization to publicly appreciate male abs, they're probably here to stay.

I get how hard it is to get 6 pack abs. And without the proper diet, training and mindset system, it's nearly impossible. It's important to choose a program carefully. Check out: No Nonsense 6 Pack Review. It's popular because it's one of the best 6 pack abs workout programs. Get started now!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Men's Daily Calorie Requirements Advice

What's the ideal calorie intake for men?

Well, a calorie is a measurement of energy, designed to determine how much energy is in the food you eat. One pound of fatty tissue on average contains 3,500 Calories of usable energy for your body.

In order to lose or gain weight, you need to obviously eat that much more or less than what your body needs. You can do this by adjusting your intake or exercise and fat/carbs.

For an adult woman, it is suggested the 'normal' intake is about 2000 Calories and for an adult male 2500, although this obviously varies on your activity level, weight and age.

So for example, if your looking to lose weight and you start by eating 500 less Calories than you burn every day for one week, you will lose one pound in weight.

However, if you consumed 500 Calories less than normal, and then burned 500 more Calories through exercise each day, you will lose 2 pounds a week.

So therefore, you need to initially calculate:

* 1) Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Note: Your BMR typically accounts for approximately 70% of your daily calorie requirements. You will then need to multiply your BMR by a certain decimal fugure depending on the rate of activity you complete each week to learn what your correct calorie intake should be - or you can use an online conversion tool.
* 2) Then, calculate the amount of calories you are currently consuming each day by inputting your foods into a food calorie conversion tool.
* 3) Work out if you are consuming more or less than your correct calorie intake. (Note - A BMR conversion tool omits lean body mass so for those who require many more calories i.e weight lifters, or much fewer calories, i.e those suffering from obesity you should consult a dietitian.)
* 4) Then adjust your foods accordingly using the calorie conversion food tool.
* 5) To step up your weight loss, start exercising and use a sports calorie converter to calculate the percentage of calories burned for a particular sport and time duration.

Regular exercise, especially strength training will increase your amount of lean muscle, which is your METABOLIC FURNACE, that will burn extra fat reserves 24 hours a day.

Whilst weight training for most means bulking up - its also a fantastic way to burn those energy reserves, especially if it's supplemented with an additional fat burning compound, preferably natural, as this will add to at an increased weight loss rate, improved overall physical strength and mental sharpness.

You can CALCULATE YOUR BMR with this DAILY CALORIE PLANNER which will also calculate your correct calorie intake.

For advice on how many calories you will burn through exercise, this BURNED CALORIES CALCULATOR offers over 300 different sports and activities to choose from.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Body Image and Healthy Weight

Our cultural obsession with thinness earns the diet industry $100 billion/year. The media presents thinness as the epitome of beauty for all females, even though this standard of beauty is unattainable for most women. The prevalence of images of so called 'attractive' ultra thin women in the media leads to diminished body image and a lack of awareness regarding what constitutes a healthy weight. Although, there is an increasing trend in which the body image of young males being negatively affected by the media's presentation of the ideal male body this article will focus on; thinness as the beauty standard for all women in our culture, how this standard affects the psychology and body image of females, and how to determine your own healthy weight.

The media in all its forms promotes thinness as the beauty ideal. Women's magazines have 10.5X more ads and articles promoting weight loss than men's magazines do, over 75% of the covers of women's magazines include at least one message about how to change a woman's bodily appearance, and approximately 80% of the female characters featured on TV and in movies are underweight.

Audiences viewing these images absorb these ideals, and as a culture we label those who are larger as unattractive and unworthy. If you think back to your childhood I am sure you will remember that during your school days the overweight kids were often the last ones picked for teams, teased about their size and discussed as being less than worthy of their thin counterparts. This makes it obvious that cultural notions about physical size color our perceptions, our language, and the way we behave. This is especially true for females who attempt to adhere to the beauty standard, as illustrated by the statistics to follow.

* In recent survey by Teen People magazine 27% of the girls reported that they felt the media pressures them to have a perfect body
* A 1996 poll conducted by an international advertising agency found that ads made women fear being unattractive or old
* At any one time, 50% of American women are dieting
* The number one wish for girls ages 11 to 17 is to be thinner
* Researchers have found that girls as young as five have expressed fears of getting fat

Cleary, the average female living in the Western world does not have a good body image. This should be of concern to everyone in our society, as a negative body image affects the mental health and quality of life of most girls and women including our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends.

It is important to note that a woman's body image influences her behavior, self-esteem and psyche. When a female feels bad about her body her moods plummets and she loses confidence in her abilities. Girls and women who think poorly of their bodies tend to have problems in other areas of their lives, including her sexuality, career and relationships. The excerpt below from the Agony section of Cosmopolitan magazine that exemplifies this point:

Recently I've been really unhappy. My main problem is that I am overweight and can't see someone ever really caring about me. I have really low self-esteem and only one guy has ever really looked past my appearance and saw me for who I am. I am so lonely and don't know what to do. I would give anything to be thin. I have taken diet pills and made myself vomit and tried to starve myself, but I don't have a lot of will power. I'm planning on seeing a therapist, but can you help me with my problem?

A female with a healthy body image has feelings about her body that are positive, confident and self caring. This image is necessary to care for the body, to find outlets for self-expression and to feel comfortable with oneself as a person. But how does one move towards developing a positive body image? This is a complex issue, but one part of the answer is to determine what your own healthy body weight is and to move towards achieving and maintaining it, instead of focusing on a beauty standard that is unattainable for over 97% of the population. So how does one ascertain what her healthy body weight is?

Presently, the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference (WC) measures are considered the best indicators of a person's healthy weight. Your BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. If that calculation results in a number that falls within the range of 18.5-24.9 you are at a healthy weight. For waist circumference the measure is taken midway between the bottom margin of your lowest rib and the top of your pelvic bone while you are standing with your feet about 25-30 cm (10-12") apart. A WC measurement of >88cm (35") for women and >102 (40") for men is associated with increased risk of disease and ill health.

In summary, determining your own healthy body weight is not difficult, though shifting one's mindset away from upholding 'thinness' as the beauty standard might be. For the majority of females in our society the battle against the real or imagined bulge is a constant over the course of their entire lives. This preoccupation with their weight often negatively impacts their mental state, and ultimately the way they interact with the people around them. For this reason, education regarding what is considered a healthy weight is fundamental to improving the mental health and body image of women and girls. And, when more young girls and women are informed about the notion of a healthy weight, the idea that thinness is the only beauty standard for women will slowly be replaced with the knowledge that being healthy makes you truly beautiful.

Bisa Dobson is the owner of Focus on Fitness Personal Training and Lifestyle Coaching. To learn more about your health, personal training, and lifestyle coaching visit []

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Art of Male Modeling

3 Myths About The Male Model

A lot has been said about male modeling in the past, but what's really going on in the world of the male model? Being a model means being highly competitive, highly motivated and willing to work hard on your body and career. While female models can get away with being ultra thin, most successful male models are fit - maintaining perfect bodies for photo shoots or runway jobs.

To become a male model means dedicating a large portion of your day to physical fitness, so that you look good on camera. The most popular models are usually around six foot in height and weigh about 165lbs or less. There's a lot of bad information on the internet about modeling, and when you start a career with a head full of misconceptions things can go wrong. Here are the top 4 myths:

Myth #1: The Field is Less Competitive

There are thousands of websites that claim that being a male model is somehow easier than being a female model. The field is less competitive, they say - so it's easier to get that big break you've been waiting for. This is a load of rubbish. Male models have to work their way up the ranks, just like female models have to, only with greater demands on their time and work ethic.

Plus people in the industry know how cut-throat modeling actually is, and would never say that it's less competitive. If anything, it's more difficult to become a successful male model - because companies have a clear idea of the look they want in their adverts and shows. That, coupled with the ideal body, doesn't get you any closer to success. There is still insane competition that you have to overcome to get the job.

Myth #2: Your Body Must Be Trim

We've come across at least six sites that directly tell males that their bodies mustn't be too muscular. Obviously there is a line between trim and muscular, and looking like you've been taking steroids for several years. The trick here is to be lean, trim and muscular - or you won't get work. Don't think for one second that with an average body you'll make it in modeling. You won't!

Myth #3: Your Career and Starting Age

While it's true that male models begin their career a little older than females, there is a misconception in the industry that just because a model is male - they'll have a longer career. This isn't the case at all. In fact men, just like women, mature - and their looks change. It often means less work, and less money. Only the great models survive to model in their thirties and forties. All modeling has an expiry date!

If you're planning on taking the male modeling world by storm, then prepare for a long hard road. There is nothing easier about being a male model - you are faced with the same challenges, same competitive environment, and same selection process as the women in your field. This of course, means you'll have to work just as hard to make it big.

To learn more, sign up for our free Model Mastery tips newsletter at

Find more modeling tips here.

Juliet Greenway is the owner of where she provides the Model Mastery training program.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to Get the Perfect Abs in Record Time

Wow, you just saw a commercial with the man and woman with the perfect abs. You assume that it took them years to achieve this goal. Not so. Abdominals can be built in a few weeks. This large muscle group is extremely responsive to exercise and is easily turned quite tight and attractive. They say that your abdominals are built in the kitchen and not the gym. This is quite true.

I have helped many people build a remarkable set of abs in record time and without fail the most difficult part was not doing the exercises. The most difficult part was removing the layer of fat that covered the attractive new six pack. That is whats meant by abs are made in the kitchen and not the gym.

Most people, even the "fatty's" among us have an attractive set of abs. The problem is the thick skin covering them is too full of fat cells to allow the details and definition show through. Imagine putting a mountain bike on the ground and putting a thin curtain across it. Once the curtain settles, the details of the mountain bike will show quite clearly, theres the peddle, theres the shape of the wheel, theres the steering column. Now imagine the same scenario, but instead of a thin curtain, we place across the mountain bike, a bed mattress and try and identify parts of the bike... can't do it. Cant see a thing. The mattress shows no shapes through. All you see is the mattress.

This same scenario can be applied to showing off your abs. If your skin is thin, your ab muscles show through proudly. If your skin is thick, like the mattress, the muscle is invisible. No hints of abdominals show through even though, you most likely already have nice abdominals.

So what we are doing is two things. We are going to limit your calorie intake if you are overweight and we are going to hit your abs with crunches and sit ups in an effort to enlarge the muscle group. This is how to get the perfect abs in record time.

If you would like to get a six pack in 23 days or less, buy The "Abs In 23 Days" training program. You can learn more about this award winning, abdominal pumping, fat stripping product by clicking the following link

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Build The Perfect Chest

The average guy can bench press 60 kilos. Poor guy. Follow our rules and your chest will never be mistaken for his.

The chest is a primary muscle group that requires other, secondary muscle groups - mainly the shoulders and triceps - to assist in every exercise. If you work your shoulders and triceps beforehand, they'll quit on you before your chest works hard enough to grow.

The smartest order: chest first, shoulders second, triceps last.

The barbell bench press is the grandaddy of all chest exercises, working more muscle fibres in the chest than any other move.

Lie on a bench with your head, torso and hips pressed against it and feet spread wide and flat on the floor. Grab the bar with an overhand grip. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, remove the bar from the uprights and hold it with straight arms over your collarbone.

Pull your shoulderblades together. Lower the bar, slowly and with control, until it touches your chest just below your nipples. Then press the weight up and slightly back so it finishes above your collarbone again. You can lock your elbows or stop just short. Keep your shoulderblades pulled back.

Vary your grip. Your hand position helps determine how your chest develops. A wider grip emphasises your chest, while a narrower grip involves more of the triceps and deltoids.

Change Tools. You'll lift less weight with dumbbells, but since they allow your hands to move independently of each other, it will be easier to keep your hands directly in line with your elbows, reducing the risk of injury.

Adjust your approach. Instead of conforming to the standard three sets of three exercises that most men use to work their chest muscles, perform one set of seven different exercises. This approach conditions the muscles from seven specific angles, instead of three, in one work-out, utilising a higher percentage of muscle fibres for maximum overall growth.

Better sex! A stronger, bigger chest will fill out your shirt in such a way that woman will be inspired to remove said shirt. In bed, the ever-popular missionary position gives her a satisfying view of your chest and you'll be able to support yourself longer.

More Power! Stronger chest muscles make it easier to push off opponents in any contact sport, whether it's football, basketball, a martial art or ice hockey.

A Stonger Swing! Forehand strokes in tennis and fielding throws in cricket rely on powerful chest muscles for velocity, in addition to your core musculature.
A Knock-Out Punch! The chest's primary objective is to move the arms forward, so developing pectoral strength helps you deliver more power to your target.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Perfect Arm Workout

When you speak to most people who go to the gym and lift weights, their number one goal is to build bigger arms. Your arms are the one part of your body that are the most on show, and gaining a big set of biceps is a lot of people's number one priority when starting weight training.

But what a lot of people do is simply over train them, and by over training them you will never get them to grow and get bigger. The biceps and triceps are relatively small muscles so it is so easy to over train them. The best arm workout is one which will train your arms hard and in under 6 sets.

The perfect arm workout is one which trains your triceps and biceps on different days. You do not want to be training them both together, otherwise its highly likely that you will over train them. Lets start with the biceps exercises. First exercise is 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps of standing barbell curls. Try to feel the bicep doing all the work and try not to cheat by leaning back. You should lift the weight up and down at a nice and slow speed working the muscle hard. Next you will be doing 3 set of 8 to 10 reps of preacher curls, this exercise is fantastic at giving your bicep more shape and definition. That's it you have finished your bicep workout.

For your triceps workout you will be doing 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps of triceps push-down. Same applies to this exercise use proper form and control the weight at a nice and steady pace. You will then finish off your triceps workout with 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps of triceps kickbacks, this exercise is great at shaping and adding definition to your triceps muscle. Its an exercise that you can feel the muscle working hard during every repetition. Follow these exercises, train hard and do not over train your arms and you will quickly see a big increase in your arms size and strength.

John Greenbank has been writing articles for many few years now and after following a healthy sensible diet and exercise program he has managed to lose over 30 pounds so far and keep it off. He also runs a website about womens golf clothing, which reviews and lists some of the best womens golf wear on the market.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back Workout

If you're someone who is bound and determined that you want to build muscle and improve the way your back looks, it's going to be vital that you're paying attention to the muscle building back workouts you're doing and get the right exercises in there at the right times.

Far too many guy stake a half-hazard approach to their workout programs and don't have a very solid plan going in exactly what must be done if they're going to get the results that they're after from their training sessions.

Let's take a quick look at the top back exercises that you should be adding immediately to ensure that you're right on track with where you need to be.

Barbell Rows

The very first exercise to be sure that you're adding to your back workouts are barbell rows. This is the exercise that will very likely allow you to lift the most weight, thus it's going to be top of the line in terms of making sure that you generate high amounts of strength.

Since seeing yourself continually adding more and more weight to the bar is one of the best signals of true muscle building, it's something that you absolutely must be focusing on.


Second up on our list of exercises to add to your muscle building back workouts are pull-ups. Many people often forget about pull-ups because you aren't lifting a large amount of weight while doing them, but make no mistake about it, they are certainly going to help bring your overall results up.

Pull-ups can be done with a weighted vest strapped to your body as well if you really want to see an added challenge and take your strength levels up to the next step.

Lat Pull-Downs

Third, pull-downs are the next movement to add to your muscle building back workouts. Pull-downs are perfect for increasing that V-taper look that so many guys go for and will also work the biceps at the same time.

If you really want a challenge, try supersetting together some pull-ups with lat pull-downs. This will really get those muscles screaming quickly.


Finally, don't forget about deadlifts either. Many people strictly think that this is a movement that's only targeting the legs and while it definitely will hit those hamstrings hard with each rep you do, you're also going to be working the lower back at the same time.

Deadlifts are great for building up maximum amounts of muscle since you will lift such a heavy weight while doing them and this will really increase the overall testosterone release that's seen as well.

So have a good look over your current muscle building back workouts and see if any of these main movements are missing. You can still definitely include a few other exercises that isolate the back or work on smaller muscle groups such as one harm rows, reverse fly's, or shrugs, but the four exercises listed above should definitely go down as the main foundation of which your program is based upon.

For more help with your workout program, please check out my programs that show you step-by-step, how to build muscle.

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