Monday, April 18, 2011

Ideal Body Posture

The Ultimate Alpha Male In Modern Time Has Got To Be James Bond

Have you ever watched a James Bond movie?

Chances are you have seen double digit 007 films during your lifetime. Bond is such an iconic figure that even if you haven't actually seen any of the movies, you have seen pictures of the character and have heard about some of his idiosyncrasies.

The reason James Bond is such an iconic figure is his archetypal nature. An archetype is an enduring, recurrent symbol that acts as the ideal template for some concept. For example, Gandalf from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is an archetypal wizard: he's a wise old man with white hair and long beard who carries a staff and walks around in flowing robes. Just about every wizard we see in literature and movies has some of these characteristics. Well, James Bond is the archetypal alpha male, and by watching how he moves in his movies, you can learn all you need to know about alpha male body language.

The first thing to note about his body language is his posture. A former military man, Bond retains the classic characteristics of a soldier's posture: head up, shoulder blades pulled together, back ramrod straight, legs slightly less than shoulder width apart, stomach in, chest out. This is a universal signal of confidence. Every culture on the planet can see this stance and immediately know what it means-that man is an alpha male.

Although James Bond is typically a somewhat tall man (he's always roughly six feet tall) you do not need to be tall to replicate his posture. Simply practice by doing it. Whether you are sitting down at your computer or walking to the kitchen, keep the image of Agent 007 in your mind and conform your body to the image. This will take some time at first, as your body has probably been spending years with poor positioning. Be vigilant, after all, did Bond ever give up on a mission?

Bond always got help from Q, his sergeant-at-arms and an all-around mad scientist. You, too, can benefit from your expanded network of experts. Most martial arts, such as MMA or boxing, will make you more aware of your body, and thus help you develop good posture. These types of sports will also help build you confidence, no matter what your body shape. There are classes in almost every major and mid-sized city-even backwater towns are likely to have some martial arts classes available. Enroll in one of these classes and build your self-assurance, something that will be clearly detectable in your movements and stance.

There is more to Alpha Male body language than just posture, but without good, proper posture, anything else you do will be for naught. Posture is the foundation of the vibe of confidence and dominance that all Alpha Males project. If you want to embody these qualities, watch some old James Bond movies and start practicing.

Get the woman of your dreams by becoming the man that all women want, become an Alpha Male. As you go thru this information you will discover how to develop the powerful traits of a Dominant Alpha Male, you will learn that no woman is beyond your scope of influence, and that you can have any women you want anytime you want.

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