Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back Workout

If you're someone who is bound and determined that you want to build muscle and improve the way your back looks, it's going to be vital that you're paying attention to the muscle building back workouts you're doing and get the right exercises in there at the right times.

Far too many guy stake a half-hazard approach to their workout programs and don't have a very solid plan going in exactly what must be done if they're going to get the results that they're after from their training sessions.

Let's take a quick look at the top back exercises that you should be adding immediately to ensure that you're right on track with where you need to be.

Barbell Rows

The very first exercise to be sure that you're adding to your back workouts are barbell rows. This is the exercise that will very likely allow you to lift the most weight, thus it's going to be top of the line in terms of making sure that you generate high amounts of strength.

Since seeing yourself continually adding more and more weight to the bar is one of the best signals of true muscle building, it's something that you absolutely must be focusing on.


Second up on our list of exercises to add to your muscle building back workouts are pull-ups. Many people often forget about pull-ups because you aren't lifting a large amount of weight while doing them, but make no mistake about it, they are certainly going to help bring your overall results up.

Pull-ups can be done with a weighted vest strapped to your body as well if you really want to see an added challenge and take your strength levels up to the next step.

Lat Pull-Downs

Third, pull-downs are the next movement to add to your muscle building back workouts. Pull-downs are perfect for increasing that V-taper look that so many guys go for and will also work the biceps at the same time.

If you really want a challenge, try supersetting together some pull-ups with lat pull-downs. This will really get those muscles screaming quickly.


Finally, don't forget about deadlifts either. Many people strictly think that this is a movement that's only targeting the legs and while it definitely will hit those hamstrings hard with each rep you do, you're also going to be working the lower back at the same time.

Deadlifts are great for building up maximum amounts of muscle since you will lift such a heavy weight while doing them and this will really increase the overall testosterone release that's seen as well.

So have a good look over your current muscle building back workouts and see if any of these main movements are missing. You can still definitely include a few other exercises that isolate the back or work on smaller muscle groups such as one harm rows, reverse fly's, or shrugs, but the four exercises listed above should definitely go down as the main foundation of which your program is based upon.

For more help with your workout program, please check out my programs that show you step-by-step, how to build muscle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vince_DelMonte

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