Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Perfect Arm Workout

When you speak to most people who go to the gym and lift weights, their number one goal is to build bigger arms. Your arms are the one part of your body that are the most on show, and gaining a big set of biceps is a lot of people's number one priority when starting weight training.

But what a lot of people do is simply over train them, and by over training them you will never get them to grow and get bigger. The biceps and triceps are relatively small muscles so it is so easy to over train them. The best arm workout is one which will train your arms hard and in under 6 sets.

The perfect arm workout is one which trains your triceps and biceps on different days. You do not want to be training them both together, otherwise its highly likely that you will over train them. Lets start with the biceps exercises. First exercise is 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps of standing barbell curls. Try to feel the bicep doing all the work and try not to cheat by leaning back. You should lift the weight up and down at a nice and slow speed working the muscle hard. Next you will be doing 3 set of 8 to 10 reps of preacher curls, this exercise is fantastic at giving your bicep more shape and definition. That's it you have finished your bicep workout.

For your triceps workout you will be doing 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps of triceps push-down. Same applies to this exercise use proper form and control the weight at a nice and steady pace. You will then finish off your triceps workout with 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps of triceps kickbacks, this exercise is great at shaping and adding definition to your triceps muscle. Its an exercise that you can feel the muscle working hard during every repetition. Follow these exercises, train hard and do not over train your arms and you will quickly see a big increase in your arms size and strength.

John Greenbank has been writing articles for many few years now and after following a healthy sensible diet and exercise program he has managed to lose over 30 pounds so far and keep it off. He also runs a website about womens golf clothing, which reviews and lists some of the best womens golf wear on the market.

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