Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Men's Daily Calorie Requirements Advice

What's the ideal calorie intake for men?

Well, a calorie is a measurement of energy, designed to determine how much energy is in the food you eat. One pound of fatty tissue on average contains 3,500 Calories of usable energy for your body.

In order to lose or gain weight, you need to obviously eat that much more or less than what your body needs. You can do this by adjusting your intake or exercise and fat/carbs.

For an adult woman, it is suggested the 'normal' intake is about 2000 Calories and for an adult male 2500, although this obviously varies on your activity level, weight and age.

So for example, if your looking to lose weight and you start by eating 500 less Calories than you burn every day for one week, you will lose one pound in weight.

However, if you consumed 500 Calories less than normal, and then burned 500 more Calories through exercise each day, you will lose 2 pounds a week.

So therefore, you need to initially calculate:

* 1) Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Note: Your BMR typically accounts for approximately 70% of your daily calorie requirements. You will then need to multiply your BMR by a certain decimal fugure depending on the rate of activity you complete each week to learn what your correct calorie intake should be - or you can use an online conversion tool.
* 2) Then, calculate the amount of calories you are currently consuming each day by inputting your foods into a food calorie conversion tool.
* 3) Work out if you are consuming more or less than your correct calorie intake. (Note - A BMR conversion tool omits lean body mass so for those who require many more calories i.e weight lifters, or much fewer calories, i.e those suffering from obesity you should consult a dietitian.)
* 4) Then adjust your foods accordingly using the calorie conversion food tool.
* 5) To step up your weight loss, start exercising and use a sports calorie converter to calculate the percentage of calories burned for a particular sport and time duration.

Regular exercise, especially strength training will increase your amount of lean muscle, which is your METABOLIC FURNACE, that will burn extra fat reserves 24 hours a day.

Whilst weight training for most means bulking up - its also a fantastic way to burn those energy reserves, especially if it's supplemented with an additional fat burning compound, preferably natural, as this will add to at an increased weight loss rate, improved overall physical strength and mental sharpness.

You can CALCULATE YOUR BMR with this DAILY CALORIE PLANNER which will also calculate your correct calorie intake.

For advice on how many calories you will burn through exercise, this BURNED CALORIES CALCULATOR offers over 300 different sports and activities to choose from.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_R_Carmichael

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